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Conservation at its best!

So this is going to be a quick one! This morning was exciting because I got to go out and do an aerial survey for sage-grouse! Conser...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Field stats: May

During May we had some weather that cut our time short, but we still got to see lots of cool stuff... and Greater Sage-Grouse, of course!! 

We went out for 8 days  in May and had some bad weather roll in around May 6th meaning that we were not out in the field as much as we had hoped. Even with this setback we were able to collect various types of data from 28 sites in both the Powder River Basin and Bighorn Basin

Went to 23 sites for presence absence surveys of which 12 had birds
collected genetic samples at 12 sites
collected ambient sound at 9 sites

Sound data was hard to get because this year has been pretty windy. It's Wyoming, I know, but at night you would be pretty surprised how much the wind dies down!

For the whole field season we did pretty awesome!!

We were out in the field for a total of 23 days.

We collected various types of data from 57 sites
We collected presence absence data at 47 sites
Collected genetic samples at 32 sites
and ambient sound data at 18 sites

My goal this season was to get genetic samples from 30 sites within my priority areas....

AND WE DID IT! **High Five**

A little blog hiatus

Well hello! I took a little hiatus on my blogging duties as things towards the end of my field season and back in Laramie got a little crazy. But don't fret! I have some field topics that I wanted to post on, give you guys a nice reflection of my three years in the field, and tell you about what is next. Just to give you a little teaser for my upcoming blogs, I will be talking about:

1. The last of my field stats

2. A field site on Nature Conservancy property (Heart Mountain) and visit from one of my committee members

3. Noise - why measure that?

4. A reflection on my Ph.D. field work (has it REALLY been three years already!).

5. Now what? (Hint: Pipettors, centrifuges, and thermocyclers.. OH MY!)

Thanks for staying with me!