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Conservation at its best!

So this is going to be a quick one! This morning was exciting because I got to go out and do an aerial survey for sage-grouse! Conser...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Field Stats

So just so you can get an idea of what I am doing.

Kevin collecting fecal samples at a lek.

We went out for 8 days (left Thursday and came back Thursday, April 3rd - April 10th)
Collected various types of data at 17 sites in both the Powder River Basin and Bighorn Basin
Went to 13 sites for presence absence surveys of which 9 had birds
collected 252 samples at 12 sites
collected ambient sound at 5 sites
Greater Sage-Grouse foot prints

Same foot prints with Kevin's hand for scale.

And saw lots of wildlife!
Greater Sage-Grouse
Green-winged Teal (maybe)
Rock Wren (Kevin saw this!)
American Kestrel
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle (several juveniles)
Red-Tailed Hawk
Northern Harrier
Prairie Falcon
Western Meadowlark
Horned Lark
Western Meadowlark (I'm working on my camera skills..)

Mule Deer
Coyotes (only heard)
Cottontail Rabbits
Action shot of pronghorn running next to our vehicle
Happy camping!!

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